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CIRS 009魔方模體,CIRS 009模體

CIRS 009魔方模體,CIRS 009模體

型號:CIRS 009 類別: 質(zhì)控模體 品牌:美國CIRS pdf資料: CIRS 009魔方模體,CIRS 009模體.pdf
采購熱線:0755-28896837  13632925349 在線咨詢產(chǎn)品    CIRS 009魔方模體,CIRS 009模體在線咨詢QQ:274798107

CIRS 009魔方模體,CIRS 009模體用于常規(guī)QA和IMRT應用的最方便的設(shè)備。

CIRS 009魔方模體,CIRS 009模體特征:
尺寸:20cm x 20cm x 20xm

CIRS 009魔方模體,CIRS 009模體原產(chǎn)地:美國
CIRS 009魔方模體,CIRS 009模體適用于RT和IMRT應用中的常規(guī)QA,易于使用和快速設(shè)置非常重要。Cube 20幻像由PlasticWater®DT制造,忠實地模仿50keV至25MeV的1%以內(nèi)的水。這使從CT圖像采集到治療劑量驗證的完整QA成為可能。選擇20厘米立方尺寸作為頭部/頸部和軀干治療的合適近似值。所有的邊緣被倒圓角以避免CT偽影。


Ready-Pac膠片可以插入CIRS 009魔方模體中。通過旋轉(zhuǎn)立方體,電影很容易設(shè)置在矢狀,冠狀或橫向。不銹鋼基準點在CT圖像上清晰可辨,并在薄膜上留下小的凹痕,以便精確的薄膜計劃對位。根據(jù)要求,在接口表面可以銑削一個凹槽,用于5 x 6“的射線照相膠片的暗室加載。
CIRS 009魔方模體,CIRS 009模體

he CIRS Model 009 Cube 20 Phantom was designed for routine QA in RT and IMRT applications where ease of use and quick set-up are important.  The Cube 20 phantom is manufactured from Plastic Water® DT which faithfully mimics the linear attenuations of water within 1% from 50 keV to 15 MeV.  This enables complete QA from CT image acquisitions to therapy dose verifications.  The 20 cm cubic dimension was chosen as a suitable approximation for both head/neck and torso treatments.  All the edges are rounded to avoid CT artifacts.

Chamber, diode or MOSFET detectors are easily positioned at isocenter of the cube and laser alignment marks on all sides facilitate precise positioning of the phantom.* Detector position can be adjusted in 1 mm increments longitudinally and 5 mm increments for lateral and elevational adjustments.

Ready-Pac film can be inserted in the Cube.  By rotating the cube, the film is easily set in sagital, coronal or transverse orientations.

Stainless steel fiducials are clearly resolvable on CT images and leave small indentations on the film for precise film to plan registration.  Upon request, a recess can be milled in the interface surface for darkroom loading of radiographic film 5 x 6".

Routine patient QA

Beam constancy checks


User friendly set-up and positioning

Suitable for head/neck and torso treatments

Mimics water within 1%
SAG: CIRS 009,CIRS 009模體,CIRS 009魔方模體,Cube 20模體,Cube 20 Phantom

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